Monday, 19 May 2014

ShitIHaveTooManyBooks Read - A - Thon: Updates + Wrap - Up

I just completed the Bout of Books Read - a - Thon. I did pretty well, but I was not able to complete my goal of completing a series that I have one book left in. So I am going to enter the "Shit I have too many books" Read - a - Thon being hosted by Regan from PeruseProject on YouTube.

This particular Read - a - Thon starts today, that is, 19th May Monday Morning to Next Monday. It is a week long Read - a - Thon. Anyone interested in joining can use the hashtag - #shitihavetoomanybooks to tweet about it. I am not going to make any TBR or set any goals because I am apparently not up to following it. So I'll just go where my whims take me. I am also going to put up updates on this post as and when I can.

19th May, 2014 -
Update 1 - Because it is Regan hosting this Read - a - Thin I'll probably start reading a Fantasy Novel. I am leaning towards reading Brandon Sanderson's Warbreaker

27th May, 2014 - 
So all I read the whole of last week was Warbreaker by  Brandon Sanderson. But I'm proud of myself for finishing it. I cannot contain my feelings for this book. It was AWESOME & EPIC. And it was a stand alone.

Long story short I completed 1 book for the SitIHaveTooManyBooks Read - a - Thon and read a total of 676 pages.

Here is the video from Regan talking about the Read - a - Thon.

Happy Reading!!


  1. Good Luck with the Read-a-thon. :) I have been meaning to read Brandon Sanderson's book. I'm bumping it on my TBR. Regan is one of my favorite BookTuber. Every time when I feel like reading Fantasy, I would go to Regan's channel nd pick out a book. Speaking of that, glad to see a fellow blogger mentioning BookTubers. :)

    1. I love Regan's videos. She is one of my favorite booktubers. She likes a lot of books I do so I trust her judgements when it comes to books.
      And Brandon Sanderson is AMAZING!! I loved Elantris but I am loving Warbreaker more... I love the characters and their interactions. I mean a stand alone fantasy... that's very very rare.
