Thursday, 27 June 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Challenge #1

Amber has set up a challenge for all those participating in the Debut -A- Thon. It is as folows:

Unscramble these titles, and win £10 to spend on Book Depository! Easy! So here is my attempt
1. IIDFEOFYUNM (4 words) - If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch
2. TAREDEL (1 word) - Altered by Jennifer Rush
3. TPNPOOITIV (2 words) - Pivot Point by Kasie West
4. HCITAGRL (1 word) - Arclight by Josin L. McQuein
5. NPOSIO (1 word) - Poison by Bridget Zinn
6. TSIPDENLER (1 word) - Splintered by A G Howard
7. ITSEHTELE (2 words) - The Elites by Natasha Ngan

Thursday update:
Currently Reading : Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza
Pages Read : 120


  1. I didn't get most of those! But I should've gotten Archlight. It was on my to-read list for this challenge. Great job :)

    1. Thanks. The Elites was what took me the longest to figure out. I actually searched on goodreads for debuts with two words to figure it out. But it was a lot of fun :) Are you taking part in the Debut -A- Thon? What you reading?

  2. Nice! I feel bad because everyone but me did the Day 1 challenge. I really regret it but I'll definitely do Day 2-3. Good job with your reading so far and good luck. I hope you can do Challenge #2 which is on my blog!
    Pair That Debut Challenge #2
    Laura @ Music Plus Books

    1. Hey! I just finished the 2nd challenge. This is the first time I actually had to think which song goes with a particular book. I usually just listen to the songs already on my playlist and skip over any song that I think doesn't suit. It was very difficult for me to choose a song. Sometimes the music feels just right for the book but maybe not the lyrics and vice versa. It's difficult to get the perfect song. So all in all this was a great challenge. Thank you for hosting it :)
