Monday, 18 August 2014

Bout of Books 11.0 : Update Post

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
Bout of Books

This is to be my update post for the Bout of Books 11.0

Day 1 -

Books Read -0
Names - Changeless by Gail Carriger
Currently Reading - Changeless by Gail Carriger
Pages Read -

Day 2 -

Books Read -
Names -
Currently Reading -
Pages Read - 

Day 3 -

Books Read -
Names -
Currently Reading -
Pages Read -

Day 4 -

Books Read -
Names -
Pages Read -

Day 5 -

Books Read -
Names -
Currently Reading -
Pages Read -

Day 6 -

Books Read -
Names -
Currently Reading -
Pages Read -

Day 7 -

Books Read -
Names -
Currently Reading -
Pages Read -

Sunday, 10 August 2014


BOUT OF BOOKS IS BACK!!! For those of you who do not know what it is here is a bit of information.

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
Bout of Books
I had a good time a few months ago while taking part in the Bout of Books Read-a-thon. I went back to my childhood books and read quite a bit of Hardy Boys. It was great fun. And I also got to interact with quite a few book-lovers.

This Bout of Books kind of snuck up on me because I only just found out about it. So I am unsure about my TBR for the duration of the Read-a-thon. But There are quite a few books I want to read so I'll list a few -
  1. Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
  2. Coraline - Neil Gaiman
  3. Stardust - Neil Gaiman
  4. Blackout - Mira Grant
  5. Timeless - Gail Carriger
  6. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs
This TBR might change. I might not be able to read all the books listed either, but I am going to have fun trying. Happy Reading!!!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

WWW Wednesdays : June 25th

This is a weekly book meme hosted by Should Be Reading and I thought it was a great Idea. So WWW WEDNESDAYS… is a weekly event where you share (1)What you’re currently reading, (2)What you recently finished reading, and (3)What you think you’ll read next.... And here goes

Q1) What are you Currently reading?
A1) I am currently reading 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz.The last time I wrote this post I was reading another of Koontz's books. I am liking 77 Shadow Street more than I did Darkest Evening of the Year. Though this book is not as great as the one's I've read previously I still like it. It somehow has a bit of The Shining feel to it, mostly because it has got to do with an old building and its previous tenants.

Q2) What did you recently finish reading?
A2) I recently finished reading Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. I had watched this movie when it first came out and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was the same with the book. I cried at the end.It is a good children's book.

Q3) What will be your next read?
A3) I had begun reading Lips Touch by Laini Taylor but was side tracked by other books. I just was not able to read a book to its end a few days back. 77 Shadow street has brought me out of that mini slump. So I am thinking of reading another Koontz book (maybe Strangers) or a Stephen King book (probably The Stand).

What are you planning to read next? Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Musing Mondays - June 23rd

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Should be Reading

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it!
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

I just finished reading a book by Dean Koontz - Darkest Evening of the Year - last week. A couple of years ago I discovered Dean Koontz and went through around 15-20 of his books. I just could not get enough of him. Around the same time I was also very infatuated with Stephen King's writing. Both these writers write some of the creepiest books of all time. Both of them have different styles of course. Koontz's writing seems more supernatural in nature where as Stephen King's books delve deeper into the dark recesses of Human nature.

I enjoy both styles. Anything that makes me think and if this thinking leads me to be a little (OK maybe a lot) scared, I absolutely love. I  know of quite a few people who will not touch a horror book with a 10 foot pole. But these books also sell like hot cakes? Why do you think that is? I mean why do we intentionally read books that scare us so much we want to sleep with a night light on?

For me - it is the excitement. These books just get my adrenaline kicking, and not in the way a good thriller does. And these books are about a side of us that does exist - the darker side. We all have it. But these stories remind me that we can overcome that side and gives me hope. That is what these books boil down to - the world has horrors, that is true. But there is also good in the world. the good doesn't always win over the bad but it does enough times to make it worth living.

I know a lot of people might say I am reading too much in to a horror story, but this is how they make me feel and that is what is important.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

WWW Wednesdays - June 18th

This is a weekly book meme hosted by Should Be Reading and I thought it was a great Idea. So WWW WEDNESDAYS… is a weekly event where you share (1)What you’re currently reading, (2)What you recently finished reading, and (3)What you think you’ll read next.... And here goes

Q1) What are you currently reading?
A1) I am currently reading The Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean Koontz. A few years back I discovered Dean Koontz and I just could not get enough of his books. I read close to 20 of his books over the course of a year. This book was just coming out then and I was quite looking forward to it. But I got side tracked by other books and it just didn't happen. But now I'm taking part in a read - a - thon on Instagram called #bookstagramathon and I thought this is the right time to read it. I am 3/4ths of the way in to the book. I am liking it but it isn't as good as his other books like Seize the Night, False Memory, Life Expectancy and many more. One of the best things about his books is the importance he gives to the dogs in the books. I love dogs and his portrayal o the dynamics between the person and their dog is just great.

Q2) What book did you recently finish reading?
A2)  I just finished reading The last Policeman by Ben H. Winters. This was a book about a Detective who decides to solve a murder even though the date of the end of the world is known to everyone. He takes it upon himself to regard a death that seems like a suicide, when most deaths are suicides, and looks past it to consider foul play. I am not doing the story any favors by telling you this premise. I would suggest you read the blurb on Goodreads here and decide for yourselves if this book is great. I enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading the rest of the books in this trilogy.

Q3) What do you plan on reading next?
A3) I have not really thought about what I will read next. I might read The Lost Boy by Camilla Lackberg. This is part of the Patrik Hedstrom series and I have read the previous 6 books in the series and I am in a mood for crime/thriller books. But this could change by the time I finish reading my current read.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Musing Mondays

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by Should be Reading

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it!
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

My Musings - 
Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s) -
I recently got Winger by Andrew Smith as a gift from my sister. I absolutely love this book. It is so pretty to look at and the story was great too. This book has illustrations in it and I just love any book with whacky illustrations in it.
Another book that I got for myself was the beautiful UK edition of the Mistborn Trilogy.

This buy has a bit of a story behind it. I already have a box set of this series. Specifically this one...
I got this Box Set as a gift from my sister for my birthday last year. She had asked me what I had wanted and I told her this was what she could get me. So when I saw the UK edition at my local bookstore I was tempted to buy it. But I was hesitant as I already owned it. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the cover of the mass market paperbacks, but the UK edition was a bit bigger and the paper of better quality.

A month ago my uncle gave me a voucher for the same bookstore that had the box set I wanted. This is a second hand store where you get store credit when you return or sell your books. But when I took the voucher to the store they did not have the set. So I used up a bit of the money to get other books. But I still had money left. This Sunday I headed to the store to give away a few of my books and also the voucher and there it was, beckoning to me. So I just bought it, along with a few other books. I basically spent 250 bucks (~4$) on 7 books.

I do not mind having 2 sets of the same book, especially one I am extremely fond of. The other book that I really love and have 2 sets of is Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. I am planning on getting the Hardcover edition of these books because this is a series that is my all time favorite.

Do you guys have any books that you have 2 sets of? Or a book that is just a cover buy?

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

WWW Wednesdays...

I stumbled across this weekly book meme hosted by Should Be Reading and I thought it was a great Idea. So WWW WEDNESDAYS… is a weekly event where you share (1)What you’re currently reading, (2)What you recently finished reading, and (3)What you think you’ll read next.... And here goes

Q1) What are you currently reading?
A1) I started reading Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor and I am LOVING it!! I am about 200 pages in and the story has just sucked me in.

Q2) What did you recently finish reading?
A2) I recently finished reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. As you can surmise from my previous answer I just could not wait to get my hands on the next book. I am so glad this is a series that is complete. I have always heard great things about this book but I was apprehensive about picking t up. One of the reasons was because this was an unfinished series. And now there isn't anything holding me back :)

Q3) What do you think You will read next?
A3) I will probably read the last installment in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy - Dreams of Gods and Monsters. You might ask why I say "probably" and not "definitely", but I think the last books in a series are my kryptonite. I usually have to force myself to pick them up. This way the world and the story still exists for me. I just recently completed the Poison Study series after having read the first 2 books close to 7 months ago.. Even though I had all the books. And I have the last book in the Feed trilogy by Mira Grant. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that my stupid habit doesn't surface this time around and I get to read the 3rd installment - Dreams of Gods and Monsters.

What about all of you . What are your reading plans for the week?

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Book Review: Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

Sisters Vivenna and Siri are princesses of Idris. Susebron is the God King one must marry. Lightsong is the reluctant minor god of bravery. Vasher is an immortal still trying to undo mistakes of centuries before. Magic from individual breath from everyday objects can perform all manner of miracles and mischief.

This is going to be a difficult review to write. The reason for this is that I Loved Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson to pieces and it made me feel and think many complicated, unexplainable things. But there was one thing I know for sure - this book was AWESOME and I just fell in love with it.

Before I talk about Warbreaker I need to take a side step and talk about Elantris. Trust me I need to talk about it to get my thoughts into some semblance of order in this post. I read Elantris recently in May/Late April. I was intrigued to learn that this was a stand alone. That in itself would not be interesting except for the fact that this was fantasy. There aren't many fantasy books that are stand alone, if not solely for the fact that it is difficult to portray a fantastical world without writing at least a couple of books to flesh out the world, the characters and the stories. So I picked this book up and was pleasantly surprised. It was a bit slow to pick up but boy did it get interesting very fast after the first 100 pages or so. What I loved was that there was not a lot of info dump that I would forget anyway a few chapters in. I learnt the history of this world as I read the book.

I loved Elantris. I did not think it could get any better. And then I started reading Warbreaker. You need to know something about the way I read. I am excited about reading books but I do not show it in outward appearance. It was difficult to keep my emotions in check with this book. I was squealing with delight at some parts and cringing with horror at others.

What I love best about Brandon Sanderson's writing is that he doesn't just write characters. I mean he does, but these characters somehow become people in the readers eyes. I can imagine someone like Siri and Lightsong as real people. But let me tell you what I did not like about this book - There wasn't much about the mysterious Vasher, at least till almost the end of the book. A byproduct of there not being enough pages dedicated t Vasher was that I did not get to see enough interaction between himself and the sentient sword Nightblood that he lugs around. 

Now onto the things I loved!! 
The Magic System - Sanderson always lives up to my expectations when it comes to the  building of a magic system. Actually he exceeds my expectations every time. In this one it is to do with BioChromatic Breath and Colors. Each person is born with one Breath. The more you accumulate the more powerful you become. Some equate Breath to a persons soul - mostly Idrians. In Hallandren the Breaths are used as wealth - people sell their breath for money. And then there are the Returned. The Returned are those who have died and come back to life. They are not zombies exactly as they are living but when a person is Returned he comes back with enhanced physical prowess and a powerful BioChromatic Breath. And the Hallandren worship the Returned whereas the Idrians consider them an abomination and worship Austre.

The Religion - I have noticed that in almost every Brandon Sanderson book religion and Gods are a central part of the story and world. His portrayal of religion in Elantris was rudimentary in comparison to the one in Warbreaker. The 2 religions had their origin in the same basic tenet. It was based on the divinity of Breath. On one side the Idrians believed in Austre a God you could not see and on the other there were the Hallandrens who worshiped the Returned. Though both cultures valued Breath - The Hallandrens gave it a monetary value and also sacrificed their breath so that their Gods lived another week where as the Idrians thought it blasphemy to make a business out of it. 

As as we delve in to the history of these lands and cultures we see that the 2 religions have the same origin. But they branched off from one another. This brought out a lot of questions on morality. There was a part where one of the characters, a mercenary, says - everyone thinks they are in the right and that they are doing good. This is something that we migh take as common sense but something that a lot of us ignore.

The Characters - I absolutely loved the main characters. There's Siri, the carefree sister who has made peace with being the unimportant one, Vivenna - the sister who has been betrothed to the God King of Hallandren, a monster and an abomination in her and her people's eyes, Vasher - a mysterious man with an even more mysterious quest & last but not the least, Lightsong a Returned.

I was a little skeptical about Vivenna at first. She was too much of a prude - and seemed to preach and hold herself above others even though according to the religion she was devoted said not to put oneself above others. She claimed to have come to Hallandren to save Siri but it seemed like she had come to Hallandren just because she was upset her place was taken by her younger sister. It took away her purpose in life. She did love Siri, but she was more worried about what this did to her than her younger sister. Then I realized that Sanderson wrote her character that way and her character arc is till the end of the book was well plotted out. She changed over the course of the book, not suddenly. She still was a bit like her old self. But in her case she came to see herself for what she truly was and decided to change what she could and live with the rest.

The 2 people I absolutely loved were Siri and Lightsong (I liked Lightsong a lot more). Siri was the youngest sister of 4 children. The eldest was betrothed to the God King, the 2nd eldest went on to become a monk and the son, the youngest, is heir to the throne. So Siri has been more or less let to run free. Though her religion calls for being modest, humble, not be ostentatious, she has difficulty doing so. But the king of Idris decides to send Siri in place of Vivenna to the God King to stall a war which he deems inevitable. And her world turns upside down. In case of Vivenna we see that there is a complete change in character in Siri it somehow felt that she was always true to herself. But in doing so she became more in control. Her interactions with the God King made me squeal with joy once or twice.

Lightsong, a Returned, is the awesomest character in this whole book. It was mostly through Lighsong that a lot of the dilemmas to do with divinity were brought across. He was a God who did not believe in his own divinity. He constantly strove to undermine himself but the people thought of him as a better God for it. I always loved the parts where he was in the story because he was the most fun characters. His internal conflict was written very well. My most favorite parts of the book is anything where there is a dialogue going on between Lightsong and his High Priest Llarimar and between Lightsong and Blushweaver, a Returned Goddess.

I would recommend this book to any fantasy lover. But I would also recommend it to people who think fantasy is not for them because of the size and length of a series, and what better way to experience fantasy through a stand alone for the first time. You just have to read this book. This will be one of those books that I'll recommend to everybody regardless of their tastes because it is such a good book and I want everyone to love it as much as I do and enjoy the story.

This has become a saga instead of a review but who cares. I love this book and I rate it 5 out of 5 stars.

Monday, 19 May 2014

ShitIHaveTooManyBooks Read - A - Thon: Updates + Wrap - Up

I just completed the Bout of Books Read - a - Thon. I did pretty well, but I was not able to complete my goal of completing a series that I have one book left in. So I am going to enter the "Shit I have too many books" Read - a - Thon being hosted by Regan from PeruseProject on YouTube.

This particular Read - a - Thon starts today, that is, 19th May Monday Morning to Next Monday. It is a week long Read - a - Thon. Anyone interested in joining can use the hashtag - #shitihavetoomanybooks to tweet about it. I am not going to make any TBR or set any goals because I am apparently not up to following it. So I'll just go where my whims take me. I am also going to put up updates on this post as and when I can.

19th May, 2014 -
Update 1 - Because it is Regan hosting this Read - a - Thin I'll probably start reading a Fantasy Novel. I am leaning towards reading Brandon Sanderson's Warbreaker

27th May, 2014 - 
So all I read the whole of last week was Warbreaker by  Brandon Sanderson. But I'm proud of myself for finishing it. I cannot contain my feelings for this book. It was AWESOME & EPIC. And it was a stand alone.

Long story short I completed 1 book for the SitIHaveTooManyBooks Read - a - Thon and read a total of 676 pages.

Here is the video from Regan talking about the Read - a - Thon.

Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Bout of Books 10.0 : Challenge Post

I already have an updates post up. And I thought I'd put up a separate post with the challenges. I am not promising I will be able to do all the challenges bit I will give them a try.

Challenge Day 1 -

If you like X, try Y -- The Book Barbies
I tweeted -  If you like World War Z by Max brooks then you will like the Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant.

Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow #boutofbooks-ers
Hey guys. I am Chetana from India and my tbr is

Challenge Day 2 -

Books You're Looking Forward To -- River City Reading
Instead of upcoming books I am going to list out books that have been waiting on my shelves to be read. They are -
1. Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
2. Ink by Amanda Sun
3. Howl's Moving Castle by Dianne Wynne Jones
4. Daughter of Smoke and Bones by Laini Taylor
5 & 6. Scent of Magic and Taste of Darkness by Maria V. Snyder
7. Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

My Life in Books

I tweeted - 
Between Celeana (ToG), Sarena (Elantris) & Vin (Mistborn) are my contenders
All 3 of them are badass but I think Calaena would win.She's cunning, smart and is a badass assasin

Challenge Day 3 -

Book Pairings -- My Overstuffed Shelves 

I tweeted
I'd pair Douglas Adams with Terry Pratchett. I just fee the writing Styles are very similar and the humor.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Bout of Books: 10.0 : Update Post

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
  Bout of Books

This is to be my update post for the Bout of Books 10.0

Day 1 -

Books Read - 2
Names - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 01 - The Tower Treasure, The Hardy Boys Mysteries 02 - The House on the Cliff
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 03 -T he Secret of the Old Mill
Pages Read - 402

Day 2 -

Books Read -1
Names - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 03 - The Secret of the Old Mill
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 04 - The Missing Chums
Pages Read - 136

Day 3 -

Books Read -1
Names - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 04  - The Missing Chums
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 05 -Hunting for Hidden Gold
Pages Read - 266

Day 4 -

Books Read - 2
Names - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 05 - Hunting for Hidden Gold , The Hardy Boys Mysteries 06 - The Shore Road Mystery
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 07 - The Secret of the Caves
Pages Read - 282

Day 5 -

Books Read - 2
Names - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 07 - The Secret of the Caves, The Hardy Boys Mysteries 08 - The Mystery of Cabin Island
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 09 - The Great Airport Mystery , Fire Study
Pages Read -405

Day 6 -

Books Read - 1
Names - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 09 - The Great Airport Mystery
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 10 - What Happened at Midnight, Fire Study
Pages Read - 142

Day 7 -

Books Read - 0
Names -
Currently Reading - The Hardy Boys Mysteries 10 - What Happened at Midnight, Fire Study, S by JJ Abrams
Pages Read - 136

So my last day of Bout of Books was pretty abysmal. I just could not read much. But I did rearrange my books and found more space for them! I mean I do not need that much space for my clothes. I am looking at the positive here. So I read a total of 9 books and started 3. That brings my page count to 1769 pages which is pretty decent. How did your reading go?

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Bout of Books: 10.0

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

You might ask me why I am taking part in a read - a - thon after i failed miserable in the 24 hour read - a - thon. The reason is exactly that. I want to try harder on this one. And as the blurb above says, it lasts a whole week. So I actually have a chance in this read - a - thon. I am not sure about taking part in the challenges but I do plan on updating my twitter (@ChetanaHolla) and my Instagram as possible. I do have a busy week ahead too as I am taking part in a training but I will push forward. 

I am not very sure what I am going to read but I did recently get my hands on a few Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books so maybe I will read a couple of them as they are small. And I will try and finish up a series.

So my goals are - 
  1. Read at least 4 books. 
  2. Complete one series of which I have only one more book to read - The Poison Study series, Newsflesh trilogy or the Parasol Protectorate
  3. Keep updating my Twitter daily (I am really bad at this but I will try really hard giving you updates)

For all those taking part in the Bout of books, All the Best!!
Bout of Books

Saturday, 26 April 2014


This is going to be a small post. I am doing a 24 hour read-a-thon that is being held today. I do not know if I'll be able to finish a book as I will be out most of the day with friends. But I'll try. I am currently reading  Princess of Mars by E. R. Burroughs. You can follow my progress on twitter, my handle is @ChetanaHolla. Happy reading 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Book Review: Hyperbole & a Half by Allie Brosh

This is a book I wrote. Because I wrote it, I had to figure out what to put on the back cover to explain what it is. I tried to write a long, third-person summary that would imply how great the book is and also sound vaguely authoritative--like maybe someone who isn’t me wrote it--but I soon discovered that I’m not sneaky enough to pull it off convincingly. So I decided to just make a list of things that are in the book:

Stories about things that happened to me
Stories about things that happened to other people because of me
Eight billion dollars*
Stories about dogs
The secret to eternal happiness*

*These are lies. Perhaps I have underestimated my sneakiness!

This book was a complete impulse buy. I had just wandered in to Landmark - a bookstore here in India - with the thoughts of just whiling away a bit of time. I should've known better. There was no way I would've have walked out of there without buying a couple of books. I actually had a couple of books picked out to buy and then my eyes fell on this book.

I had only seen this book on the videos made by Jesse from Jessethereader and Raeleen from padfootandprongs07 on YouTube. So I just picked it up. All I knew was that they thought this book was hilarious. And boy were they right. This book made me giggle incessantly. I mean I read this book out in public, while traveling, in a course of a day. Before this book I had not even known the author was a blogger.

For all those people who do not know what this book is about, let me enlighten you. This is a cross between a diary and a graphic novel. Or more like a memoir which is a graphic novel. The art is simple, child - like actually. What you need to look forward to is the content. She tackles a varied range of topics from training her dog to her childhood antics to her battle with depression. I was touched by the way she handled the topic of depression in her book. I liked that she did not spout theories on how to battle depression and about why she was depressed. She just was. And one day she came out of it. It was a process sure, she did not know the why or the how of it and she stated as such.

The other topics she handled were sooo funny. Especially about the dogs, and the Goose. If nothing else makes you pick this book up this will. Trust me. The part about the goose was HILARIOUS. And the part about little Allie's trip to the dentist.

I would highly recommend you to check this book out, even more so if you want to judge for yourself if you think the above parts were as funny as I thought. I rated this book a 4/5.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Book Rant: Classic Literature

As previously mentioned in another post of mine, I have this habit of reading from the same genre continuously if I find that I loved one book from the same genre. A while back it was Zombie/post Apocalyptic books and then it was dystopian. I think it's going to be the 'Classics' this time round. I just finished reading H.G. Well's The Island of Dr Moreau, War of the Worlds & The Invisible Man and also Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice and Frances Burnett.

In addition to reading a lot of classics I've suddenly bought quite a few of them. And I've bought the Penguin English Library collection that have beautiful covers. I now own the 3 books mentioned above and Persuasion & Emma by Jane Austen, David Copperfield & A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Fairy Tales by Hans christian Andersen and  Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. And the best part about classics is that there's always an edition that is not hard on your wallet. So rest assured that I did not spend a lot of money on these books.(Though it does depend on what you would define as "not a lot of money")

H.G. Wells Books

I read 3 of H.G. Wells' books - The Island of Dr Moreau, War of the Worlds & The Invisible Man. He has also written The Time Machine but I somehow could not finish it at this point in time. I got distracted by other books. So let us talk about the 3 books I did read. If I had to rank the 3 books I did read The Invisible Man would be ranked 3rd, The Island of Dr Moreau would be 2nd and the War of the Worlds would be 1st.

The Invisible Man was an enjoyable enough story but I just could not relate to the Main Character (MC) at all. I found that the other 2 books that I read were far more interesting than this book. One other reason could be that I loved the Hollow Man better.

I want to talk about the Island of Dr Moreau and War of the Worlds together. Now these stories were very interesting to the say the least. What bowled me over was that these books were set in the late 19th or early 20th century. And they are Science Fiction!! I loved the conflict the MC goes through in Moreau and the narration in War of the Worlds was just Amazing. War of the Worlds was like a Steam punk novel before there was any Steam punk. Both these books, in my opinion, will always be relevant. It is not hampered by time. I mean these books talk about aliens and genetic modification.

I would recommend these books to anyone who loves Science Fiction.


Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

There are some books that I always go back to re-read. Pride & Prejudice is one of them. I finally bought a copy of my own and it is the beautiful Penguin English Library edition. I have always loved Liz Bennett and Darcy. This time around I felt I understood Darcy more than I did Liz. The last time I had read this book I was as indignant as Liz with Darcy, I mean in my eyes he was an arrogant jerk. But this time around I could see the circumstances through his perspective.

This is what makes me re-read books. The books kinda change for you as you grow older. There is always something new that you can glean from a story, a new perspective at the least. And the romance... It's just perfect. This is why the book is a classic. I would recommend this book to everyone - especially to people who hate insta-love.


Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

I had read the abridged version of this book when I was a lot younger. So when I got my hands on the unabridged version of this book I pounced on it. I had watched the movie adaptation of the book too. As it has been over a decade since I had read this book it was like I was reading it for the first time.

It was a different feeling reading this book as an adult. I found Mary to be spoiled, at least in the first half of the book. I mean the author herself states so. The story portrays her changing from a self-centered spoilt brat to a pretty agreeable child. I also love the depiction of the moor in this book. I could just visualize the scenery and the garden. Reading this time made me appreciate the writing more than the actual story. But if I were still in school I would have loved this book as much as all the Enid Blyton books I read when I was younger.


I can tell you one thing, reading the classics wins you brownie points from your parents and also makes you seem very intellectual. This could be because people think that reading something that was written more than a 100 years ago automatically makes you smart. I mean the War of the World is not all that different from the Sci-Fi of today but its got the advantage of age on its side.

I would like to read Little Women and Jane Eyre next. Maybe not immediately but I would definitely read them in the next couple of months.

Book Review: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

Soooo... I though I would get back to reviewing books by reviewing a book that had a very different approach. And for that I chose Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. I heard of this book after the movie came out. And for some reason I held out on watching the movie before reading this book. That was a great decision.

'R' is a zombie. He has no name, no memories, and no pulse, but he has dreams. He is a little different from his fellow Dead. Amongst the ruins of an abandoned city, R meets a girl. Her name is Julie and she is the opposite of everything he knows - warm and bright and very much alive, she is a blast of colour in a dreary grey landscape. For reasons he can't understand, R chooses to save Julie instead of eating her, and a tense yet strangely tender relationship begins. This has never happened before. It breaks the rules and defies logic, but R is no longer content with life in the grave. He wants to breathe again, he wants to live, and Julie wants to help him. But their grim, rotting world won't be changed without a fight...

As you can tell from the synopsis, this is a zombie story. What attracted me to this book was that this was a zombie story told through a zombie's perspective. That in itself was a winning plot in my mind. I admit that R is already a different kind of zombie when it comes to the others. He actually thinks. But what was even more interesting was that the zombies were not as mindless as we would assume. The zombies actually had a sort of society. It was like they were a community - they had a place of worship, a school, of course a school where they taught the young how to kill humans but a school none the less and they also had a concept of marriage.

One of the things that Marion made clear early on was that the zombies ate not because they felt hungry for nutrition but they just felt hungry with something other than their stomach. They could relive a persons memory by eating their brains. This is important because this shows that even though they were the living dead, they were trying to experience the life force by eating brains, by having those concepts of humanity that you would think that the living dead might not have. 

When R attacks Perry, a member of a salvage team, and eats his brains something happens. He suddenly decides to save Julie, another member of the team and girl friend of Perry, and takes her with him to his home at the airport. it is through his interactions with her that he sees the changes that happen. He starts speaking longer sentences, he doesn't feel as hungry as before and so on. Another change is that he starts dreaming. It is just Perry's memories at first but he slowly starts dreaming his own dreams. 

On the other end of the spectrum are the Living who have walled up a stadium and are living inside of it. The Living are barely surviving. They guard their borders, send out salvage teams to get necessary items, teach the children to hunt and kill the zombies. The people in charge think it more important to just keep fighting instead of preserving life. It is from this environment that Julie, Perry and their friends hail. There is a part in the book where Julie asks her friends what they dream of doing. Perry, who wanted to previously wanted to be a writer does not see a point in it anymore, he doesn't understand whom it would benefit. What would be the point of writing a story in a world that is in its last leg? This is how the living live now. They live to survive. The zombies were just the last nail in the coffin to a world already ravaged  with wars before the plague.

In the end the dead are more closer to living than the Living are. The dead are moving towards reclaiming all that they had lost in this plague but the Living have lost touch with all the good parts of being human and are just wrapped up, not in hate, but in fear and fear has always brought out the worst in us humans. 

That is why this book isn't just a zombie book. It is more than that. Even I did not expect such deep messages from this book. I mean it's such a small book too. Just 240 pages long. But it packs such a punch. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved it that it made me think so much. If anyone is hesitant to pick this book up because it has got zombies and the like, don't be. It's just that the setting is such that there are zombies. 

I rate this book a 4.5/5

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Travelling...Via books

Whenever someone gets asked a question on what their hobbies are, the stock set of answers are: I love reading, I love music, I love travel and so on. I am not going to comment on the reading bit, because hello, this is a blog where I talk about books (and movies and other things, but mainly books). And I will maybe tackle music another day but I would like to talk about traveling as a hobby.

Someone recently asked me if I liked to travel, and I answered saying yes. And I do like traveling, especially with friends and family (right now more with friends than with family - a deliberate shout out to my family, who have gone on trips with out me :P ). But what with a busy work schedule that my friends and I have we are unable to really travel as much as we would like. So even though I answered with a yes I added a caveat saying: 'I like traveling, but I use books to travel'.

Now when I said this to this particular person, and to a lot of other people, he looked at me weirdly. Like I was the most crazy and laziest person on earth. And that offends me, even though it is true that I am lazy and I am definitely certifiably crazy, that they assume I must just not like traveling and am finding a lame alternate.

It is not true that I would not like to travel if given a chance. Come to think of it, I have traveled quite a bit. I've not gone overseas but my father loves traveling so he has taken me and the rest of the family on quite a few trips (near or otherwise). But traveling within the world that is created by a book is just amazing. And I am not bound by boundaries at all. Not just physical boundaries but the boundaries of space and time are of no match to me when I am reading a book. If a book is well written then it can take you to different locations like America (almost every YA book and various other adult books that I have read), Sweden (the Patrik Hedstrom series), Egypt (Sphinx  by Robin Cook), Russia, France, Brussels (Bourne trilogy) and it can even let me travel backwards and forward through time. And I didn't even need any documentation.

I have also traveled to distant planets, parallel universes (where I am just as lazy as I am now but either super rich and intelligent or super poor :P) and to Middle Earth of course. It might seem lame to some but I think of this kind of travel as preparation for actual travel. I know of a few places to visit in the countries I mentioned above and what is generally accepted or not accepted there. I also learn a bit of their culture and laws.

And if I ever meet a troll I know that I should keep them talking till the sun comes up (LOTR) or that I should be wary of black monoliths on unknown planets (2001: A Space Odyssey). I will always travel with a towel as that would be my best friend (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and to keep garlic and silver on my person while I travel if I ever meet pesky vampires or werewolves.

All in all I would say traveling via books has actually made me more prepared than anyone else who has not read. So take that all you doubters and travel snobs. I, I mean my imagination, has clocked more kilometers than any of you. And to all you readers out there, Have a happy journey!!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

My Book Habits and Pet Peeves

I have been in the habit of reading ever since I can remember. I attribute this part of my character to my parents. My mother encouraged me by teaching me shlokas (poems), telling me their meanings and telling me stories. My father encouraged me while leading by example. We have always had a lot of books at home. Cultivating the habit of reading from such a young age has resulted in me having a few book habits and pet peeves.

My pet peeves are:
  1. When people mark their places in a book by dog earing the pages. 
  2. When people write in the margins of my book. I'm fine with people writing in their own books. I actually like owning second hand books that have notes in them, as long as I have a pristine copy for myself.
  3. One of my other pet peeves is when someone opens a book really wide and cracks the spine beyond recognition
  4. Licking a finger and then turning a page
  5. People blurting out spoilers from the movie version in front of me when they know I haven't read the book or watched the series. (Though I have to mention here that I did this to my sister once, and I am extremely sorry that I did.)
My book habits are :
  1. If I love a particular book I tend to keep reading books from the same genre for the next 3-4 books. I have done this quite a few times. Last year I read Boneshaker by Cherie Priest and I liked it. This lead me to read Feed by Mira Grant, World War Z and Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks.
  2. When I am reading a book I'm falling in love with I imagine myself in the world created by the author. I do not necessarily imagine myself as one of the main characters but I start creating a character of my own that I think would fit in to this world. 
  3. I not just start living in the world but start to make up stories for the characters even after the book has ended. I am great at imagining these things but really bad at writing them down.
These are only some of my pet peeves and book habits. I cannot seem to think of more but I am quite sure I have a few more of both. Maybe I'll update the list whenever I do remember. So what are your pet peeves and habits when it comes to books?

Monday, 27 January 2014

The Effects of Book Hauls on life in general & TBR Shelves

I just ordered 9 books off of the internet. I do not know why I do this to myself. Though in my defense I have been holding off on buying books for a few months now. And then someone told me about the clearance sale on Flipkart and I just freaked out. I got two, that's right TWO hardcover books for less than 700 rupees. That's less than 10 USD, which is rare in India.

It is a good thing that we are now able to get a lot of books in India that were not really available to us before. But there is a problem that arises when there are addicts like me around. I allude to my addiction to books. The minute I hear of a good book, I need to read it.

I do read e-books but somehow its not the same. So when I read a book and love it enough, I buy the physical book. And sales like the ones this past weekend encourage me to buy books I've not yet read but have heard a lot of. My family might be horrified to learn that I ordered NINE books but what they do not know is that I passed over buying double that number of books. They would not understand that this is actually shopping in moderation for me.

I justify my buying of books by saying that I do not buy high ticket items like clothes or jewellery. But that actually pisses my mother off more I think. She would actually prefer me wearing better clothes. So buying books gets me into trouble with my Mother and also my Grandmother.

Another problem that arises is that of space. I am have stacked my books in boxes, in my closet, in shelf space behind a mirror and at my home in Karimnagar. I have close to 200-250 books that I bought with my own money or received as gifts. Now, when I have to move out and go to a place of my own I'll have to search for a place that can accommodate my existing collection of books and the future books that I will buy.

The major problem with me buying books is that my To Be Read shelf increases by those many books. One of the things I do to offset this is that I first read the e-book version and if I really love it I get the physical book. This helps me keep my TBR shelf in check. This would be a great solution if I didn't discover new books that I would just love to read every other day.

Anyway, no matter how much I think I'm going to curb on my spending when it comes to books, it ain't gonna happen. I'll just have to be very careful and save before I splurge. I will try and spend money on books when there are sales like the one Flipkart had just a few days ago.

If anyone is curious as to the books I got this time around, they are:
  1. Blood Red Road by Moira Young
  2. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa
  3. Flipped by Wendelin van Draanen (Hard Cover)
  4. There is no Dog by Meg Rosoff (Hard Cover)
  5. Nobody's Girl by Sarra Manning
  6. Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley
  7. Persuasion by Jane Austen
  8. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
  9. The Melancholy of Mechagirl by Catherine Valente

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Happy New Year !

Hello Everyone! Happy New Year! I know, I know... I've been away a long while - 3 months to be exact. I'm not going to make an excuse saying I was too busy, which I was, but I was not busy enough to binge read. The truth of the matter is I was lazy and I just could not bring myself to write. I was just in a writing slump. But I was not in a reading slump, not by a long shot.

I have read quite a lot of books that I tremendously enjoyed. Like the Maria Snyder books, Cinder, Feed by Mira Grant Wonder, Throne of Glass, The Rosie Project, A Monster Calls, Fangirl, Please Ignore Vera Dietz, A Fault in our Stars and I got to reread the first 3 books in the Potter series. 2013 was a great year for a book lover for me. The books I mentioned above are one of my favorite books I read.

There were other books I loved but just was not in the mindset to finish. I loved whatever I read of The Name of the Wind by Rothfuss but at that point in time I just did wanted some time to just marathon through the whole book and I did not have that time. So I put it on hold.

So I plan on reading the Kingkiller chronicles this year along with a few other series. I will hold off on reading a series unless the end of that particular series is near. And I will try and make a dent in my TBR. I have quite a few books on my shelves I've read so I need to read those. I am not saying I'll curb my buying of books. I'm not delusional enough to think I can stop but I've already curbed my book buying just a little.

I've set myself a conservative target when it comes to the number of books I plan on reading this year. I've already made a good start. I've read 5 books and loved all of them except one.The previous year I started with Zombie books and this year I started with Mystery novels.

I might do a joint review for all of them or just a few. But I can promise you that I will try to be consistent in writing posts. So here's to a great year ahead. I hope you find great books to read whose stories will stay with you forever.